Educational Background
2016 - Ph.D. in Chemistry - Wayne State University, MI
2009 - B.Sc. in Chemistry - University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Professional Experience
Aug 2019 - Present
Assistant Professor - Florida Institute of Technology, FL
Nov 2016 - April 2019
Postdoctoral Associate - University of Pittsburgh, PA (Supervisor: Dr. Shigeru Amemiya)
Apr 2016 - Oct 2016
Postdoctoral Fellow - University of South Carolina, SC (Supervisor: Dr. Parastoo Hashemi)
Current Courses
CHM 3301 - Analytical Chemistry 1
CHM 3302 - Analytical Chemistry 2
CHM 3312 - Analytical Chemistry Lab 2
CHM 4304/5304 - Advanced Analytical Chemistry
CHM 5305 - Special Topics in Analytical Chemistry - Electrochemistry
CHM 1101 - General Chemistry 1
Recognition & Awards
2023 - Outstanding Educator at a Research Institute, ACS Orlando Section, FL
2023 - Educator of the Year, United Third Bridge, Inc., FL
2016 - Honor Citation for Teaching Service in Chemistry, Wayne State University, MI
2015 - Best graduate student oral presentation, ANACHEM/SAS Detroit Section Symposium, Livonia, MI
2015 - Esther and Stanley Kirschner General Chemistry Teaching Award (Best General Chemistry Teaching Assistant), Wayne State University, MI
2014 - Honor Citation for Teaching Service in Chemistry, Wayne State University, MI
2013 - Graduate Student Professional Travel Award, Wayne State University, MI
2012 - Paul and Carol C. Schaap Endowed Distinguished Graduate Student Fellowship, Wayne State University, MI
We are a multifaceted research team that develops smart, portable, fast, simple, and inexpensive sensors to probe exquisite, and complex systems (in-vivo& in-vitro). In particular, we are interested in designing and developing sensors that can be used at point-of-care (POC) to detect ingested toxic metals in blood and urine samples, in addition to in-vivo sensing. The detrimental effects of toxic metals such as arsenic, lead, and cadmium poisoning are well documented. POC detection of these metals in the clinic or direct detection inside the body remains challenging due to limited selectivity, inadequate sensitivity, and instability of the sensing component with existing analytical methods. These novel sensors will be developed using cutting-edge electrochemical technology at the liquid-liquid interface. The qualitative and quantitative speciation information that we will obtain with our novel sensors will provide a greater mechanistic understanding of the fate of ingested heavy metals in the body, leading directly to improvements in existing disease diagnostics, treatment, and preventative strategies for metal toxicity.
We are also interested in developing carbon fiber microelectrodes with multi-element sensing components to simultaneously monitor two or more substances/neurotransmitters at a single location via fast-scan cyclic voltammetry. These unique sensors will allow us to understand neurotransmitter interactions at a specific area of the brain.
Research and Project Interests
- Efficient and disposable point-of-care sensors to detect ingested toxic heavy metals in blood and urine samples
- Implantable sensors for monitoring dynamic changes in metal concentrations in kidney
- Microelectrodes with multiple sensing elements for simultaneous neurotransmitter detection
- Engineering of fast, portable, low-coast, multi-channel potentiostat